
2009 Goals

Last year I shared with you my goals for 2008 and I actually accomplished some of those. So I thought I should try this again for 2009. And this year I’ll try and give more regular updates. In a couple of days I’ll also do a recap of my 2008 goals.

Now I should list my 2009 goals. Some of these goals are being made for me. Some of them are second attempts because I failed at them this year. Some of them are repeats because they were challenging enough that by repeat them I’m not necessarily making it easier on myself. Some are really simple goals, these hopefully will give me confidence to complete the ones that require more discipline. All are measureable, because I like to know if I succeed or not. And hopefully all will make me better: a better man, a better Christ follower, a better youth pastor, a better potential husband (wink wink ladies), etc.)

Oh…and I suppose I should say that I still don’t like the term resolution. It seems incredibly cliché. But then again so does the term goals, so what do I know.

Here are my 2009 goals

1. Find a new job. - Again, some of these goals were being made for me, and this one comes care of the United States Air Force. Due to the closure of the base I work at I will be out of the job sometime in the fall. Now the USAF will do what it can to find me another position within the system, but I want to use this opportunity to get back into full time ministry. This is where my passion is anyways.

2. Read 40 books. - This is a repeat goal, but I thought it was the right amount of books to challenge myself with. This is somewhere in the neighborhood of 3.5 books a month.

3. Memorize Colossians. - Another repeat, but this is because I failed to accomplish this last time. This time I am going to set some sub-goals in order to really achieve this one.

a. January – Read once a day.

b. February – Create flash cards with each paragraph and put them in order once a day.

c. March – Create flash cards with each sentence and put them in order once a day.

d. April & May – Create flash cards with each word from chapter 1 and put them in order once a day. Once a month write out the chapter.

e. June & July – Create flash cards with each word from chapter 2 and put them in order once a day. And once a week do the same with chapter 1. Once a month write out chapters 1 & 2.

f. August & September – Create flash cards with each word from chapter 3 and put them in order once a day. And once a week do the same with chapters 1 and 2. Once a month write out chapters 1 -3.

g. October & November – Create flash cards with each word from chapter 4 and put them in order once a day. And once a week do the same with chapters 1-3. Once a month write out the book from memorization.

h. December - Recite the book twice a week.

4. Visit some friends. – Whether it be in Kansas City, North Carolina or out in California. Get away from where you are and spend a week of enjoying where someone else is.

5. Visit two baseball stadiums. – This was suggested by a friend, and certainly this is a great goal. Actually she suggested I visit two baseball stadiums that I’ve never been to before.

6. Visit a Doctor. – while I went to an asthma and allergy specialist in 2008, I haven’t seen a general practitioner in years. Just for daily health stuff. I start my allergy shots next week, so life/health should start improving. But I ignore so many other things in my life, who knows if I’m healthy or sick.

7. Sign up for some kind of class. – I’ve been thinking how I need to discover something else. Maybe karate, or a dance class (in case I ever get married I can dance with my woman at the reception), or photography…something. Let’s work on this together.

8. Prep for a mission trip in 2010. – It was suggested by a friend that I visit Africa, which is something I would love to do. But I would also love to visit Southeast Asia or South America. But more than just visit one of those places I would love to find something I could do while I was there. So I officially starting a search for my Mission Trip 2010.

I feel like I'm forgeting something, and because I've chicken stratched these on napkins and loose pieces of paper for the past sevearl weeks I'm going to have to look around or rethink of what they were. Maybe I can figure it out and add to this list tomorrow.

What are some of your goals for the new year?

Leaders are Readers

This is an interesting article by Karl Rove about his and the President's reading list, which was turned into a contest.
On average Bush reads close to 50+ books a year.  I'm really impressed.  And apparently this would be an even higher number if he didn't have all thos presidential responsibilities getting in the way.
And because of this prolification in reading I'm anxiously awaiting his memoir upon his retirement.  This certainly goes in the face of the portrayal of Bush by the media as an poorly educated man.  And I expect to find a facsinating read.
The article lists many of the books that Bush has read to, just in case your curious as to what the President of the United States reads.  

Shocking News

This headline took my by surprise.
Of course I think he'll land on his feet quickly anywhere he wants to go, if he wants to go anywhere else.
I hated to see him leave my 49ers after their last SuperBowl win, and I'm shocked that Denver let him go.  This is one head coaching change I wasn't expecting.

My Neighbors

Joe and Lisa are back.  I saw their huge 5th wheel trailor in the parking lot of our apartment complex tonight.  Joe and Lisa are awesome.  Joe is retired military and now the two of them use their apartment as a home base for the annual travels around America.  For anyone who loves to travel, Joe and Lisa are your type of heroes.
A little over a week ago I got an e-mail from Lisa.  It was really out of the blue.  But because I found it really cool and a great encouragement I asked her if I could share it here.  Here is our e-mail conversation.

Hi Trevor,
Lisa Culfa here - in case you didn't gather that from my encrypted email adress.
I'm ashamed to admit that I finally got around to checking out your blog this evening for the first time (my head is truly hanging in shame).  Anyway, I simply had to write you a short note and tell you how GREAT it is!  It is really great - but I guess I just said that.  It was hilarious (the story of the white elephant gift exchange - and especially the subway sub) and touching (the story about the military family with the injured husband).  I probably could have (or at least should have) guessed that it would be a really good representation of you.  You seem to be equal parts sensitive (in the best way) and funny.  I enjoyed seeing what's on your book list and what your favorites are - gives me more ideas for future reading.  As for your music playlist I've got to get out more or at least turn on the radio more often.  I scarcely recognized even half of the artists.  I better quit just constantly going back to my favorites (mostly country and jazz) and expand my musical palette (I hope that's the correct palette I'm using and not palate).  Anyway, I'll keep checking in and enjoying you and write a bit more often when I do - it's kinda sad not to see any comments posted to your good stuff.  We're all just scared our comments will pale in comparison to yours.
Joe and I are currently in Tucson AZ at the Family Campground on Davis Monthan AFB.  We love this location - to visit only, not to live.  We'll be back home on December 30th and look forward to seeing you and Chris again.  Hope all is well there at Chelsea Place and that you're enjoying the Christmas season to the fullest.
Oh, and by the way - not to worry about the being single thing like Kate Hudson.  You'll meet your perfect person when you least expect it - that's always the way it works.  Besides, anyone would be truly blessed to have you in their life - can't imagine ever being able to say the same about Kate or Matthew :).
Take good care, keep up the blogging and tell Chris and Phillip Hi for us!
Lisa and Joe Culfa (#630)
Hey Lisa
Thank you for your message.  It was incredibly encouraging, you may never know.  I almost posted it on the blog but thought I should probably ask you first if that was okay.
Be safe in your travels, I hope that someday will come along where I can experience a similar season in life like yours.  
Have a Merry Christmas.
Hi Trevor,
It was really great to hear back from you!  You may certainly post my email message to you on your blog if you'd like. Again, it hardly seems like anything at all to me after reading your stuff.
You hold a unique greatness within Trevor.  You know the power of thoughts and words - let them be the magnets they are and attract all the things your heart desires and make them manifest in your life.
Almost time for some eggnog (not really one of my favorites - I'd much rather drink hot chocolate) and Christmas music.
Enjoy all your friends and family as you gather together.  We'll see you soon!
Lisa neighbor
It's good to have great neighbors.



Did you use any of these this past year? Story HERE.

Gone Fishing

On Saturday my dad, my brother Todd, my brother-in-law Mickey, my nephew Jacob and I went out to the lake for some fishing. The lake was packed for the weekend and it seemed as if all along the shoreline there were lines in the water. Eventually we found a corner of the lake and cast away.
We didn't catch anything.
Actually I think my dad and Mickey did most of the fishing. I was never the fisherman type. I always preferred catching fish to actually fishing. Plus I'm just not very good at the whole thing. Once when we lived in North Dakota my dad, Todd and I went out. I had cast near this spot by the bridge. When my line got stuck, for the fifth or sixth time that day, my dad had become frustrated and told me to figure it out. I yanked on that line and reeled and reeled. Eventually something came loose and when I brought the hook back up attached was a fish. I swear that fish was not the reason I had trouble.
My brothers and I all share our birthdays in the month of August. And one year my dad took Todd and Trent out to fish on their respective birthdates. I was so worried I was going to have to spend my birthday fishing. But my parents knew me well enough. Instead they skipped church with me and we went out for breakfast.
That being the case, Jacob and I spent more time checking out the ducks and throwing sticks in the water.
I got ahead of Jacob at one point and he came running after me with his Gatorade blue tongue waving in the air.



Today I read some horrible, terrible, no good, very bad news.
I thought we had a connection, her and I, and she goes off and breaks my heart. All those times I watched her movies and sighed at how pretty she is and listened to her sing in Elf. And she acting in more movies just for me to watch.
I don't know if a clearer definition of a relationship can be defined.
But Zooey I forgive you. And I wish you and this jerk...er...fellow of yours have a happy and blessed marriage.


Questions Wanted

One of my desires over the coming year is to actually write more on this blog, and embed less videos (or a better video to writing ratio).  Therefore I am asking you the readers to submit your questions for me about me.  
I will answer 52 questions next year, one for each week.  Hopefully these weekly self revelations will be posted on each Monday in 2009.
I don't want to hide or limit any part of my life, therefore your questions can be on literally anything pertaining to my life.  These questions can be about any area of my life; career, personal, goals, past, faith, etc.  My goal is to not avoid any questions submitted, and to answer all questions openly and honestly.  
I would make these questions up myself, but how would I know that the information is what you would want to read.

So friends, let's have them.  What do you want to know about me?


Hey if you work with youth this is an event you may want to be aware of and take advantage of this summer.
Here is a video explaining the concept of MOVE:

The Foundations of MOVE from CIY Move on Vimeo.

You can find out more about MOVE here.

And you might also want to check out their junior high program called Believe, one of the best junior high/middle school events in the nation.


Merry Christmas!

Happy Incarnation Day!
Dwell in Joy today my friends.  Today we celebrate our great Emmanuel!  Our God dressed himself up in bones and muscle and flesh, and began his journey towards wooden beams and piercing nails.  This baby that we cuddle and coo today will die a brutal death on a cross so that we might become the righteousness of God.  
Certainly if we believe that, we could go tell in on the mountains with a little more enthusiasm and excitement that this:


Christmas Eve 40 Years Ago

This is a message from 40 years ago, and 238,857 miles away, today.

Thanks to Al Carter for creating this video.
Al Carter attended high school with my dad at South Houston High School, they were juniors in 1968. Al, a former sports reporter and editor, created this tribute page for the class of 1970.
Some of what's really amazing about this site that he created is that I can watch all my dad's high school football games to the '65 concert recording of The Beatles at the Sam Houston Coliseum (which my dad attended)
Merry Christmas!

Countdown 1 Day

Merry Christmas!
Behold the Lamb of God - Andrew Peterson


Countdown 2 Days

Merry Christmas!
Silent Night - Sixpence None the Richer


Great Tackle

Referee Garth DeFelice made a strong forearm tackle on St. Louis Ram running back Kenneth Darby.  As a 49er fan I was especially grateful.  

Countdown 3 Days

Happy Incarnation!
Better Days - Shaun Groves

Gloria! Christmas Tour 2008 (Better Days) from Shaun Groves on Vimeo.


Countdown 4 Days

Merry Christmas!
Love Came Down at Christmas - Jars of Clay

Happy Incarnation

I listened to this sermon recently entitled The Left Brain of Christmas by Andrew Kirschner, and it is absolutely great!.  I really want to encourage you to carve out 32 minutes this week and give this a listen.  I'm sure if will only enhance this time of year for you.  
Also I think by the end of it you too may just be blessing people a Happy Incarnation!


Sharing Christ

Penn (from Penn & Teller) has some challenging words for us Christians.  
I want to be like this man that he speaks of in this video.  Compassionate towards the lost.  Passionate about what I believe.  Confident enough to do something about both.

Countdown 5 Days

Merry Christmas!
I Believe in Father Christmas - U2

Quote: Ralph Waldo Emerson

"A man becomes what he thinks of most of the time."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

May you become greater, and I become less.
John 3:30


White Christmas Elephant

Last night we had our HS Christmas Party.  While the place didn’t have a very Christmas-y feel to it (Journey needs to invest in some holiday decorations) it was a pretty fun night.  Here are some of the highlights:
  • Emily Dye brought me cookies.  And not just one kind of cookie, but a variety of cookies.  There was the staple chocolate chip, and these pumpkin bar things, and chocolate cover pretzels and these others things.  Awesome!  
  • I forgot to wrap my present (Karate Kid DVD) so I found a copy sheets of wide-ruled paper, a plastic grocery bag and clear duct tape.  In just 5 minutes I went MacGyver on that gift.  Unfortunately for the tiniest gal in our group she could rip the gift open.  Also unfortunate for her, I stole the DVD the first chance possible.  Unfortunate for me, it was stole from me, and “locked”, by the second to last person.
  • One student kept to the $5 limit by buying a Subway $5 cold cut trio footlong sandwich.  This made me laugh the most.
  • At the end of the Christmas gift giving and stealing Travis Rogers gave out random gifts (back scratches, dish soap, a bird house, trash bags, etc.) to students and urged them them to “be a blessing” to someone in their community with these gifts.   At our first gathering of the new year we are going to have the students share how they blessed someone else.  I’m looking forward to seeing how this goes.


Fantasy Football

I'm in the Championship Game. 
My fantasy football team, the San Antonio Hombres, has survived a rough 7-7 season to make it to the playoffs and win the first round game.  Several weeks I forgot to even look at my tean and set up the appropriate players for that week.  Next up the Kraft Mayo team that went 11-3 this season.  Can this be the end of a miracle season?
Here is the current game day match up:
Tell me who do you think will win?
The prize for a Yahoo Fantasy Football championship?  Pride baby, pride!


AP source: Furcal stays with Dodgers
You have to wonder which side is to blame in this media mess, Furcal or the Braves.  It sounds like Furcal, in which case...uncool dude.  You chose 3 million dollars over your word.  Sure for the average Joe-schmo like me that's ridiculous money, but for a guy who is going to make $30 million in three years...well I hope you sleep well tonight.


I Couldn't Even Dance Like This:


Kate Hudson Trying to Stay Single as Long as Possible


I saw this headline today and thought that I had to use this as my new excuse in life.  I’m “trying” to stay single as long as possible. 

It ain’t easy either.  There are offers daily.  I literally have had to avoid mousetrap-like contraptions where people are trying to ensnare me into a relationship.  I swear my dating relationship resembles the beginning of Raiders of the Lost Ark, where Indy has to avoid poisoned darts, booby traps, deep pits and one huge rolling boulder.  But just like Indy I seem to make it out each and every time; with my trust hat to boot.

Yep, me and Kate Hudson sure have it hard.  We have to actually work at not having relationships.


Good Lord, if only that were the truth.  That I was actually “trying” to stay single. 

Bless your heart Kate Hudson…here I was thinking you were single because people were afraid that by dating you they would have to watch one of your awful movies.  Even worse, they might have to watch one of your every-other-movie-starring-Matthew McConaughey (one of these worst actors ever!).  But I admit when I’m wrong; you were trying to stay single.


The End Begins

I love the Terminator movies. And I'm sticking to the TV show (in hopes that it plays into the upcoming movies). And I'm really excited about this:

Still a Comic Book Geek at Heart

This looks fun.

Jingle Bells




I thought I'd share something that has been on my mind since Thursday.
Where I work, there is this young dual military couple, Charles and Isis, with two children. Recently Charles was sent to Korea for a brief assignment leaving his wife Isis here to manage the home front. While in Korea, for reasons uncertain as of Thursday, Charles blacked out and fell. As he fell he hit his head on something and may have broken his neck. The details were still unclear Thursday as Isis was busy trying to get to Houston to get a passport so she could fly out on Friday morning to be with her husband.
I have been praying for them since she came into the Center, eyes red and tired from having cried more tears than she probably felt were helpful, asking God to be their healer and comforter. If he has broken his neck the circumstances of their life are going to be dramatically altered, and without a bigger-than-this-world God I don't know how one could endure.
I am however, really proud of how the military community has responded and provided for her. Everything from actually having another soldier drive her back and forth from Houston to the quick communication from Korea. It's love displayed outside the context of the church that gives me hope for an even greater vision of what the Church could/should become and sometimes is.



How often do you clean your phone of all those old text messages?
If you and your phone are anything like me and mine you have months of old text messages just sitting and consuming phone storage space.
Somehow, and I don't know how, I have a routine of erasing all those old messages once my unread amount reaches 100. You know how it is; you receive a message, but you don't open it up because you clearly can read it the whole message in the preview space. Nevertheless your phone continue to safe and count those unread texts.
Currently I have texts going back to September, and I'm only at 80 unread messages...


Retirement: Greg Maddux

Greg Maddux is expected to retire from baseball today.  
After and incredible career of out-thinking and out-preforming hitters for more than two decades Maddux is sure to challenge Tom Seaver's Hall-of-Fame first place votes record.  With a record 18 Gold Gloves and what he did along side Gavine and Smoltz in Atlanta for over a decade, this is the kinda of ball player fathers should point their children towards.  
I read somewhere over the last couple days that Maddux may be the greatest pitcher of his generation (said in light of Roger Clemon's association with the Mitchell Report, which has diminished his reputation and career).  And with the current direction of baseball we just may never see another like him.  
Thanks Greg for all the memories.  And if you think you still want to be involved in the game, would you please come teach the Rangers' rotation how to throw?


Gender Confusion

So according to the website GenderAnalyzer, my blog has a 95% probability that it was written by a woman.  
I'm not sure what to do with information like this.  I get that these things are searching for keywords and stuff, and I assumed that there was going to be some percentage of woman factor in my blog, maybe in the 35% range.  But 95%?!  Well that's just ridiculous.  
In order to offset this incredibly inaccurate number I am going to spend the rest of the year talking about farts, football, and hot chicks!


I Am Second

This is a great website.  I Am Second.  Personal stories told thru video testimonies of people and their struggles.  Varies individuals share their victories of their struggles by declaring they are second because Jesus is first. 

Prop 8 Thoughts?

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

Clearly the church has been unable to communicate it's stance on homosexuality with conviction and grace.  Possibly because so many in the church are unsure of the answers themselves.  And with some in society calling this the Civil Rights issue of our times we are surely going to be seeing tension between the two current sides of the issue for a while.  
My small group recent shared some of struggles and frustrations with this issue.  What should we accept?  Where does the Bible draw the line?  Who does marriage belong to, the church or the state?  To what degree do we believe in separation of church and state?  How does the church guide the culture in regards to the issue, and not allow the culture to direct the church as it has so often done in the past?  And a dozen other questions and senarios.
We concluded the evening by agree that we as individuals were not the solution in and of it ourselves.  And without having engaged someone who is struggling with their homosexuality in the culture and church, we were outside the issue. 
Instead we prayed for wisdom and opportunities to know and interact with a gay, lesbian, transgender, etc, and to demonstrate first everyday grace.  Maybe our everyday grace can lead to discussion about His uncommon grace.
We were confident in one thing as an absolute; that the love of Christ working the through the Spirit within us can resolve the tension and turmoil that has seperated the homosexual community from the Church, so that grace can be demonstrated and God glorified.  
God cares and God can...

How about you?  Any quick thoughts?

Recent Sermons I've Heard...

What sermons have you been listening to?  What preachers/sermons would you recommend.


Mark Moore

-          Viva La Vida: Do the Word (James 1:19-27) Click HERE

-          David: A Man After God’s Heart Click HERE

-          David as a Father Click HERE

-          Men David Need in His Life Click HERE

-          David in Worship Click HERE

-          1 Peter 1 A Click HERE

-          1 Peter 1 B Click HERE

-          1 Peter 2 Click HERE

-          1 Peter 3 Click HERE

-          1 Peter 4 Click HERE

-          1 Peter 5 Click HERE

Jon McClarnon

-          Certain Truths For Uncertain Times, Part 2 Click HERE

-          Certain Truths For Uncertain Times, Part 1 Click HERE

-          When A Man Loves A Woman: You’re the One that I Want Click HERE

-          When A Man Loves A Woman: Truly, Madly, Deeply Click HERE

-          When A Man Loves A Woman: Gimme All Your Lovin Click HERE

-          When A Man Loves A Woman: We Can Work It Out Click HERE

-          When A Man Loves A Woman: Still the One Click HERE

-          Tattoo: Marked by Life Click HERE

-          Tattoo: Marked by God Click HERE

-          Tattoo: Marked by Jesus Click HERE

Jon Weece

-          Abolition – Too Small To Ignore Click HERE

-          Living the Dream – I Know the Plans I Have for You… Click HERE

-          Living the Dream – Plans to Give You a Hope and a Future Click HERE

Dave Smith

-          Viva La Vida: Love Your Neighbor (James 2:8) Click HERE

Robin Sigars

-          Viva La Vida: Watch Your Speech (James 3) Click HERE

Nonato Silva

-          Viva La Vida: Submit to God (James 4:1-12) Click HERE

Matt Proctor

-          Viva La Vida: Give Your Wealth (James 5:1-6) Click HERE

Mike Breaux

-          Jonah – On The Run Click HERE

Klye Idleman

-          H2O: Vapor Click HERE

-          H2O: Source Click HERE

-          H20: Thirsty Click HERE

-          Journey to Deep: From Attendance to Worship Click HERE

-          Journey to Deep: From Sitting to Service Click HERE

-          Journey to Deep: From Shallow Teaching to Doctrinal Purity Click HERE

Dave Stone

-          Journey to Deep: From Sitting to Service Click HERE

-          Journey to Deep: From Superficial to Genuine Click HERE

-          Journey to Deep: From Self-Interest to Edification Click HERE

Rob Bell

-          Shine Like Stars Click HERE

Perry Noble

-          You Asked For It…: Let’s Talk About Sex Click HERE

-          You Asked For It…: Can I Lose My Salvation? Click HERE

-          You Asked For It…: How Do I Know God’s Will? Click HERE

-          You Asked For It…: Is It OK For a Christian to Drink Alcohol? Click HERE

-          You Asked For It…: Can I Enjoy Movies & Culture & Still be a Christian Click HERE


And of course Randy Frazee (my pastor), at Oak Hills Church here in San Antonio.  You can catch his recent series at www.thestorynow.net.




Tonight I made soap with my friend Talia.  The picture is some of what was leftover in the bowl that I molded into a heart.  The picture was washed out a bit and doesn't show off the blue dye in the soap.  We added the fragrance Light Blue by Dolce & Gabbana.  This is going to be some Christmas presents.  For the ladies of course...wink...cause apparently they love this fragrance. Actually it smells really good right now...and it will only get better as the soap firms.
And it was really easy to do too...

Quote: GK Chesterton

"Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions."
- G.K. Chesterton


New Year's Goals: Help Wanted

I'm been reflecting on the goals I had set for myself this year and am trying to decide what goals I should set for myself for the year 2009. I've done okay with last year's resolutions.

#1 Dr. Pepper Fast. I haven't had a Dr. Pepper since Dec. 31st of
last year. And since the beginning of September I haven't had any
caffeine, but that is for another reason.

#2 Memorize Colossians. I memorize the first chapter early in the
year, but honestly I haven't done well since then. Think I could finish
this in one month?

#3 Read 40 books. This is a goal I should finish and possibly
surpass. If I were to redo this goal for next year I don't think I would
add or subtract to this. 40 seemed like a good goal. Need to be able
to accomplish this one more time before pushing that number higher.

#4 Map out TV show idea and make two contacts in order to sell
it. I haven't completely mapped it out. In my mind it makes sense
and I can picture it. Also I am toying around with another idea for a
story. But as far as contacts I did meet someone who knows someone who
knows someone. But that was about it. This has potential for getting

#5 See a doctor and get my asthma under control. I have an
appointment today. We'll see how it goes. I visited a clinic about a
week ago and I have been feeling really good lately. I have gone several
days without even using my emergency inhaler.

#6 Organize and minimize my closet. Done. But I feel that
this is something that should be done once if not every year.

Now, there is only one month left in this year. And I need to start making decisions on next year's goals. The Dr. Pepper goal wouldn't have been a success (so far) had I not given myself sometime to mentally prepare for it.

So, here is where I need some help. I'm am not the best self-evaluator, so I would like your help in setting some personal goals for next year. What is something tangible that I could do within the next calendar year?

Recently some girls saw me playing with a couple of children and suggested that I should get married and kids of my own. (By the way ladies, you look silly when you goosh all over that kinda stuff...mainly because it can be so manipulated...just saying) While that might be a good life goal, it has some difficult end of the year measurable objectives. So when submitting your suggestions please don't include that, unless you have an actual way of making that happen.

Rather choice a goal that I can set, evaluate and achieve all on my own accord.

Thanks for your