
December 7th

I spent some time today reading at www.PearlHarbor.org.  Today is the 68th anniversary of Japan's surprise attach on the U.S. Naval base on Pearl Harbor Hawaii.  There are some incredible eye witness accounts on the website.  
Only one who was there can fully appreciate what took place. As a Pearl Harbor Survivor who was at ground zero on "battleship row," the morning of December 7, 1941, I feel, "if you didn't go through it, there's no words that can adequately describe it; if you were there, then no words are necessary."

John H. McGoran

Here are some great photos from http://www.pdnphotooftheday.com/2010/12/7564
The last photo is Edith Shain, holding the iconic WWII photo taken by Alfred Eisenstaedt.  The photo is a young sailer kissing Edith in her nurse's uniform in Times Square on August 14, 1945.