
Behold the Lamb of God

If you visit this site you can listen to Andrew Peterson's entire Behold the Lamb of God album. A perfect meditation on the birth narrative of Jesus.
I already posted one of Andrew's songs from the album for the 2009 Christmas playlist. And I'm planning on another closer to Christmas day.
But for now take about an hour to sit down and listen to this amazing retelling of our Immanuel's story. Trust me. You can bake me some gingerbread cookies as a thank you if you want.

Video (Christmas 2009 #16): This Is War

Here's a great song called This Is War by Dustin Kensrue (of Thrice).

This Is War

This is war like you ain't seen.
This winter's long, it's cold and mean.
With hangdog hearts we stood condemned,
But the tide turns now at Bethlehem.

This is war and born tonight,
The Word as flesh, the Lord of Light,
The Son of God, the low-born king;
Who demons fear, of whom angels sing.

This is war on sin and death;
The dark will take it's final breath.
It shakes the earth, confounds all plans;
The mystery of God as man.

Photos: Norman Rockwell Photo Realism

I found these Norman Rockwell paintings/photos HERE. Along with Norman's (he and I are on a first name basis) paintings are some photos where the paintings were recreated. I think they're cool.