
Speak Intelligently

For those of you who love TV (I’m in this crowd, but am struggling with a big decision that I’ll let you know about in a post to come) I would like to recommend a recent post by Tim Stevens on his blog Leading Smart. In the post Tim provided a recent article he wrote for Collide Magazine entitled Find God on TV.

It’s a very brief article so it won’t take you long to read it. Trust me I was able to read it in about a two minutes, you should be able to in about half a minute.

In the article he quotes Richard Leonard, a Jesuit priest from Australia who wrote Movies that Matter: Reading Film through the Lens of Faith. I like the quote:

“We cannot speak to a culture we do not know or one we despise…we have to learn its language and discover how Christ has already gone ahead of us, inculturated in some of medias values, stories and style.”

One Knight?

I get e-mail offers from Grassroots Music (which used to be a great website, until they were bought out or restructured. Now it kind of sucks, cluttered with Christian cheese and religious crap.)
Anyways today I opened their e-mail and say this:

I then scrolled down a bit and saw this:

My eyes then were drawn to the DVD/VIDEO offers.

Now I’m not sure, but I don’t think they meant to advertise One Knight With A King. I think it was supposed to be One Night With A King. One Knight With A King seems like a whole other movie that would upset a lot of right-wingers.