
Zack Greinke

Zack Greinke is on the cover of SI this week and the article (Zack Greinke is in Total Control) I thought was really good and worth a read by you baseball fans out there.  I remember first hearing  his story and thinking it reminded me of the movie The Scout, starring Brendan Fraser and Albert Brooks. 

You don’t often hear of the mental difficulties that ball players face, well at least not at the medical degree that Zack has struggle through.  Maybe Chuck Knoblauch.

Also I really did the cover of the SI issue.  It’s an aerial view of Greinke on top of the mound, setting himself on the rubber getting ready for battle. 


Yahoo Sports also had an article on Greinke today.


I have an affection the pitching position.  I loved being on the mound growing up.  Having the ball in my hand, taking responsibility of the game for my team.  When I would start heading to the mound and my coach would say, “Trevor, all you need is 9 pitches”, that wasn’t a burden that was a challenge. 


So to read a story of one young pitcher over-coming and dominating, that is just cool.