

Josh Harris posted this on his blog... He said it challenged his thoughts towards heaven.

I'm not much of a dancer, meaning that I don't know what I'm doing when my body gets a goin', nor do I enjoy making an idiot of myself...
But this video is reminding me of two things:
1. I need to dance more
2. I need to travel more (I think I've been to 3-4 of the place's Matt's danced at)

Wicked Cover

Good article too, if your interested in the dynamics of the pitching motion. Worth the read, Tom Verducci always has great baseball insights.

Amazing Play

Have you ever seen this before?

Seems like something out of a movie. But if this was a movie, the game would probably be a playoff game or somekind of game that determined whether or not the heroes made it to the playoffs (it's never the actual championship game...why?).
If this had been a scene in a movie and the hero was the batter (Youkilis) the ball would of course fallen outside the fence for a homerun.
Or if the hero had been the fielder (Damon) he would have rolled, after hitting the ground, toward the fence and made the catch for the final out.