
Journaling: Wednesday July 19th - July 25th

Wednesday July 19th, 2006 – Tuesday July 25th, 2006

I just want to remind you to take some steps into the deeper waters of God this week. It's not the safest place, or the easiest place, but I know it to be the better place. Live IT now....

Scriptures to Read:
(read in each version & highlight or circle particular phrases you like)
Day 1: James 2:1-4
Day 2: James 2:5-7
Day 3: James 2:8-11
Day 4: James 2:12-13
Day 5: James 2:10 New International Version only
Day 6: James 2:1-13 New Living Translation only

Thoughts to Journal:
Day 1: Who in your life do you feel you discriminate against? Who do you feel you show extra favor too?
Day 2: How did Jesus demonstrate “choosing the down and out” in his life? Is this encouraging?
Day 3: What does today’s Scripture along with Romans 3:23 tell us?
Day 4: What does today’s Scripture along with Matthew 23:37-40 (specifically 39) tell us?
Day 5: With the summer half way over, what do you still want to do this summer that you haven’t done yet?
Day 6: What are your three favorite highlights from this summer so far?


I think I'll be going to the concert. The web-site says $20-$23 in advance. Let me know if you want to go.
If you are wondering who delirious? is (and that is how they spell their name), click on this web-site here.

An Important Invention...

This post may seem a little junior high"ish" but I feel that it's an important product to promote. You can purchase this wonderful soap here.