

Deuce - Here is that video I told you about.
Do it once - Do it right!
Good luck Todd.

p.s. I've posted this before.

Digital Holograms

This is awesome!
And should have an almost immediate impact in churches. Especially as the multi-site phenomenon continues.

Need a New Life?

If you feel that you are in need of a new life, maybe you'd like to buy Ian Ushers. He is selling his life on ebay. His entire life - house, vehicle, job, friends - everything! The bidding starts at $1.
This is an incredible story. And thousands are gravitating towards and encouraging his cause.
Why would so many people desire to have a complete fresh start?
Why would so many people be willing to leave everything for something new?
Why would so many people feel a connection to a Ian's situation in life?

Ian reasons that if he couldn't have his old life, than he wants nothing to do with it. It requires a complete abandonment of his old life and accepting a brand new one.

This is only one more reminder to me of how much I love my life with Christ. And one more reminder of how much I desire to leave everything else behind and die to self. And even one more reminder of the price that Christ paid for me.


I can't believe I haven't posted my bracket at all in the past two weeks. Usually by the Final Four I my bracket is in complete ruin. I may have one team left in the Tourney, but this year it's different. This year I have 3 out the four teams left still. Awesome!
My strategy is that my Final Four must have a total of 5 to 8 (in terms of rankings).

So the chaos of the Final Four weekend have already begun to descend upon the city! It's exciting. Hopeful this year I can catch a glimpse of Dickie V.

Recent listenings

  • Mark Moore - Seeing Evil More Clearly, his text Revelation chapters 12-20. It’s an extremely thought provoking message on the systemic evils in our world today and our response as believers in light of the Rev. passage.
  • In addition to Mark’s sermon (Mark who serves on the faculty at Ozark Christian College as a professor of New Testament and Hermeneutics) I began listening to Mark’s Life of Christ class lectures. I took several classes with Mark while attending Ozark, but only one of his LoC courses (out of four). Mark is a brilliant preacher, thinker, instructor and communicator.
  • Dave Stone, at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY, - Who’s Going To Love Me from their series on the “I Am” passages in John. His text was from John 10 and his answer to the question Who’s Going to Love Me? is the Good Shepherd. Dave read a passage from Ezekiel 34:12,16 that I haven’t caught before. At the end he preformed a monologue from the perspective of Simon of Cyrene.
  • Jon Weece, from Southland Christian Church in Lexington, KY - continued the B.R.E.A.TH.E. series with Thinking A Whole New Way. I really like his illustrations with the shoes. “With God’s help, take your everyday ordinary life…(Romans 12, MSG)”
  • Mike Breaux - finished the B.R.E.A.TH.E. series with Encourage Others with My Life and Story. If you’ve never heard Mike preach, you need to. Mike was born to preach. Quoted, C.S. Lewis said “God whispers to us in our pleasures, but He shouts to us in our pain.” This is a great recap sermon leading to challenging words about sharing our lives/our stories.
  • Kyle Idleman, at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY, - What’s Going to Satisfy Me? from their series on the “I Am” passages in John’s gospel. When I was a freshman at Ozark Kyle was a senior. I was enamored with him and tried to be around him when I could. I envisioned that four years of Ozark would mold me and train me to be like Kyle. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on what angle your looking at life, I wasn’t transformed into the spiting image of Kyle. And as polished as Kyle is now, this is exactly what he was like way back then…amazing.
  • Kyle also preached the Easter service using the I Am the Resurrection and the Life statement to answer the question Who is Going to Save Me?
  • Randy Frazee, my new senior pastor, preached this past weekend at Oak Hills, and he showed up at Journey Fellowship for our evening service as well.
  • Mark Buchanan (author of my favorite books) preached his Easter sermon entitled “I can’t believe it!” Mark suggest three reasons people don’t believe. 1. cynicism. 2. bitterness. And 3. it’s too good to be true.
  • Doug Fields - Determining What Matters Most from a new series called One Month To Live. He asked us to make a couple of list, (1) What are your one month values?, (2) What would you do if you had one month left to live and how would you actually live those out?
  • Jud Wilhite was a guest speaker at Saddleback back in August and he preached Passport to Freedom.
  • Dave Stone – The Moment of Truth: When No One Is Looking. Used the story of Daniel resolving not to defile himself.
  • Jon Weece – Series: Grace Anatomy, Message: Neurology...Jesus on Brain Surgery