Saturday night/Sunday morning I was somehow able to remember my dream. Usually I have dreams, but rarely do I wake up actually having remembered the dream.
But when the alarm when of Sunday morning I had a clear recollection. Maybe God wants to speak to me. The problem is I have no clue what the dream means or if meant anything.
So if you think you have some Daniel-like or Joseph-like skills please offer up your interpretation.
If you don’t have such skills, give it a try anyways. Who knows maybe our Bible heroes were just spit-firing and God was somehow in between the spit and the fire.
My Dream:
It didn’t feel like today, rather it felt about 8 years ago during my time at OCC, but I was the me of today. There was a writing competition that everyone was abuzz about on the campus. Reluctantly I entered an article that I wrote half heartedly. I don’t know if the competition had certain parameters and I don’t know what I wrote. I do know that it felt like the writing had a lackadaisical tone to it that matched my ambivalence to the project. As it turns out the competition whittled down to my paper and a dear friend of mine. I can’t recognize the friend, but it is definitely a she. I feel like not only is she someone I have a real friendship with, but I was also very much attracted to her (which could a number of girls, but I have a couple of ideas who she is - - I’ll save those thoughts until after some of your interpretations). In the end I narrowly win the competition.
The prize is a trip to
There you go. What does it mean?