
Fantasy Football

I'm in the Championship Game. 
My fantasy football team, the San Antonio Hombres, has survived a rough 7-7 season to make it to the playoffs and win the first round game.  Several weeks I forgot to even look at my tean and set up the appropriate players for that week.  Next up the Kraft Mayo team that went 11-3 this season.  Can this be the end of a miracle season?
Here is the current game day match up:
Tell me who do you think will win?
The prize for a Yahoo Fantasy Football championship?  Pride baby, pride!


AP source: Furcal stays with Dodgers
You have to wonder which side is to blame in this media mess, Furcal or the Braves.  It sounds like Furcal, in which case...uncool dude.  You chose 3 million dollars over your word.  Sure for the average Joe-schmo like me that's ridiculous money, but for a guy who is going to make $30 million in three years...well I hope you sleep well tonight.