

“Those spots which a Christian finds in his own heart can only be washed out in the blood of the Lamb.
‘Oh,’ says such a poor soul, ‘I pray—and yet I sin; I resolve against sin—and yet I sin; I combat against sin—and yet I am carried captive by sin; I have left no outward means unattempted—and yet after all, my sins are too hard for me; after all my sweating, striving, and weeping—I am carried down the stream.’
It is not our strong resolutions or purposes which will be able to overmaster these enemies.
There is nothing now but the actings of faith upon a crucified Christ, which will take off this burden from the soul of man. You must make use of your graces to draw virtue from Christ; now faith must touch the hem of Christ’s garment—or you will never be healed.”
- Thomas Brooks, The Unsearchable Riches of Christ

Lovin' It

More and more stories and articles are being written about the whole teen hugging problem/epidemic.
I am complete fascinated by the whole thing. I guess I kinda noticed students hugging more than I did when I was their age, but never registered anything abnormal.
But the news that punishments are now being dished out for this behavior is awesome and sad.

Read Student gets detention for giving 'hug goodbye' HERE.

Is It The Same?

Comics have gone DIGITAL. Kinda cool to be able to go back and read the hard to find issues, but is it the same?
I still have boxes and boxes of comics in my closet, all in protective plastic covers, ready to pull out and be read at a moment's notice. I love holding them in my hands. I love the regular trip into that geeky comic book store world and picking up the newest editions.
While I do get a little tired of the collecting and maintaining and storing of the comics, something about the digital seems to be missing.

New Term

I read a new term today on ypulse.com, while catching up on some blog reading.
I don't remember exactly which post of hers it was from or I would try and direct you to it... my apologizes.
But the term was "shadow millenials", refering to young people who graduate high school but do not attend college.
I'm still muling over what I think it implies.
Any thoughts?


This book looks interesting. Check out the website.


I'm looking forward to the start of this series!
The Sarah Connor Chronicles. The commericials I've seen look amazing.

Go HERE to read up on some of the rumors.

Election Help

Need some help trying to decide on whom to vote for?
I'm not sure how this site will work after the primaries, but the results give you your three top options, so hopefully one of those will be available next fall.

Jesus' vs. Jesus's

Okay I have a really pet peeve at people who say "Jesus-es" when trying to say Jesus'. As inthe following sentence; "Jesus' brothers found believing in Jesus to be difficult".

I was never mistaken for a English/grammar genius but is this really that hard to figure out?

Now I suddenly have an irrational fear (subtle shout out) that someone will correct me on my obvious misunderstanding of the apostrophe rule.


I finally went out and picked up Jon McLaughlin's album indiana at Target this week, for $9.99 (a great deal). And have really been enjoying it. If you haven't heard it, I would suggest it. Click on the album pic for his website.

I probably could say more, but this is all I'm going to say right now.

Something Everyday

I drive about 30 miles to work everyday, and then back of course. A drive that should take about 30 minutes, I've done it quicker, but because of weather, accidents and idiot drivers, usually takes 40 to 60 minutes.
As I move at the snails pace I get to see something exciting everyday. Today was no different. And I've decided to start sharing these.
So my first commute experience that I get to share with you is....(drum roll)....

That's right, the Oscar Mayer WienerMobile!

I'm not a huge hot dog fan, but who can't smile when you see this driving down the road. I know I couldn't. I was driving so I couldn't get my camera out in time. But seriously this is like a once in a year kinda thing. You have to stop, take notice, and thank the Lord God for blessing you with such an opportunity.