
The Cross of Christ

Next Wednesday evening I'm teaching on the cross. I've read the texts, read (and reading) the commentaries, listening to the sermons, sang the songs, reading the books and I still haven't found the "angle of the diamond" that I want to focus on and illuminate.
In some ways I feel "intake overload" and I haven't found my creative gear.

Any ideas?

1 comment:

Allison said...

Two things:
1) The day that Christianity became real to me was the day that we got to physically nail our sins to the cross...that was in 6th grade.

2) While I was an intern, my friend was teaching about the cross and when he talked about the nailing of the hands and feet, he hit the microphone to his hand...it was so loud, it got everyone's attention...and really struck me...I began to cry sitting in the back of the room. I will never forget that noise...and that feeling.

I don't know if this helps, but I love these two of my memories.