
Trek vs. Wars

I feel guilty whenever I post a video. I had a goal for myself this year to attempt to post daily. This hasn't always been the case, but often I have found myself posting a video, just to appease this goal.
That is going to have to change for next year. I'm already working on my goals for next year. I've done pretty well for the goals I set for myself this year and think that this blog could certainly improve with some stronger goals next year.
That being said....
This is a very humorous video:


Quote: GK Chesterton

"I don't deny that there should be priests to remind men that they will one day die. I only say it is necessary to have another kind of priest, called a poet, to remind men that they are not dead yet."
- G.K. Chesterton

"turkey for me, turkey for you"...



Quote: CS Lewis

"Our business is to present that which is timeless in the particular language of our own age. The bad preacher does exactly the opposite: he takes the ideas of our own age and tricks them out in the traditional language of Christianity."
-  C.S. Lewis

I can think of two questions for myself in response to this quote.  The first one I think I know the answer to. 
#1 What is the language of our age?  I would answer Story; particularly one's personal story
....which leads to question...
#2  What timeless truth(s) is God telling through my story?


Quote: Benjamin Franklin

"If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing." 
- Benjamin Franklin

This is my occasional goal. - T

Up All Night

I’m often trying to figure out the balance of self-revelation and privacy when it comes to what I post on this blog.  It was this balance that I had on my mind last night laying in bed.  Should I or should I not post this blog.

I found myself falling asleep rather early for my standards, somewhere around 11:30.  Yet somewhere in the middle of the night…terror struck.  Both my stomach and right thigh began to cramp up.  Which, by the way, are two entirely different cramps; something I had not ever thought about until last night when I experienced them simultaneously.

Now neither cramp is something you want to deal in the middle of a deep sleep, because with their powers combined they have the ability to cripple the mightiest man.  And since I am not even close to being defined as mighty (I’m more of a “surprising able”), I was in serious trouble.

The problem is this; when treating a debilitating leg cramp one might find it difficult to do the necessary running needed to care for a debilitating stomach cramp. 

My solution was simple; mind over matter.  I distracted myself by weighing the pros and cons on whether or not such a post as this was actually appropriate. 




Half-Blood Prince: awesome!

Links You Should Check Out

I find tons of links throughout the week that I think are interesting, but don't know what to do with. Maybe I should start gathering them together and posting them for you. What do you think?

1. The Mosquito Tone Test.  Test your earing with this blog post.  I swear I heard them all, but somehow I can't ever hear my alarm clock in the morning.  Go figure.

2. Strange Public Art.  I'm not the greatest at "getting" art, but seriously, how in the world do you interrupt some of these?

3. One mean sounding carrot.  Surely if this man can learn to play a carrot then surely I could learn to play an instrument too.  

4. Urkel-Os.  Would anyone admit to have ever eaten these.  I really hope I know someone who did.

5. Famous Fours.  Here's an interesting little test...see how you do?

6. Star Wars car.  I'm not a huge Star Wars geek, but honestly, this is way cool!

7. I'm considering calling this ad.  

8.  The Monty Python YouTube channel.  One word: awesome!



12.  34 Homemade Holiday Gift Ideas.  I think I'm going to actually do a couple of these.  I'm really excited about these gifts ideas.


Funniest moment on my day...

was watching this:

The odd thing is that I think these kids are awesome.


Keaton Michael Richardson!
Keaton is my sister Chelsy's brand new baby boy.  We were expecting a girl, but my prayers were answered!  Although I was planning of teaching the love of baseball to whomever came out.
This is my third nephew.  The nephews now out number the nieces 3-2.  
I've already begun making a list of every character in Michael Keaton's career in order to find the most perfect nickname.


Doctor Visit

Today I caved and visited a doctor.  The first time in about 3 and 1/2 years.  That's not necessarily something I'm proud of, just an honest statement.  I've meant to go earlier, but why go when you're not sick?  Although I can't honestly say I've been healthy either.  Just never made it a priority.  
But after visiting my sister and her new baby boy this weekend I was really hurting.  My sister has two cats in her home.  And despite the possibility of her going home the day I visited I assumed that after only two days from a C-section surely they weren't sending her home.  But the certainly did.  And those cats hit my asthma hard.  
After two tough nights of sleep I woke up this morning and went to see a doctor.  Now I've been dealing with asthma all my life and generally I know what to expect on a doctor's visiting concerning my breathing.  But today had it's twist.
Today was the first day I had to drop trow and get a steroid shot in my right hip.  I'm not a big fan of needles, my parent's never had to worry about me becoming a heroin addict, and I apologized first to the nurse in case I started to cry.  I didn't cry.  
Got me some new perscriptions and I have another appointment Dec. 1st with an Allergy and Asthma specialist. 
As a military brat I've lived and visited a lot of places, but this has been one of the toughest places to live in my life, in regards to my allergies triggering my asthma.
This weekend I made a decision.
I decided it's time to get a handle on my asthma here in San Antonio. 


Receiving Advice

I had this conversation today at work with Gloria. Gloria is about 55, hispanic, works part time for us, and loans me her Blockbuster videos. She's cool.
The conversation:

Gloria: (as I walk by) Trevor are you looking for a date?

Me: Always. But aren't you married? (okay I didn't ask that question...but I should have.)

Gloria: You should look around libraries.

Me: Um...okay.

Gloria: Because you like to read. Do you go to libraries?

Me: Yes. (and then I just stare at her)

Gloria: (a brief pause and then) Oh...or at the movies.

Me. (I just walk away)

New Favorite Video...

...of all time!

null - Watch more free videos



Remember those holes that were in the movie Roger Rabbit that were really really cool.  It was an Acme product that was, well, a hole.  A black hole in which you could throw against a brick wall or something, throw something inside of it, peel off the whole and the brick wall would be restored.  
It would be a great product to have just in the everyday regular life.  You could store all the extra crap that we can't quite seem to manage; the things which clutter our homes and force us to buy storage units.  
Or we could use it to help fight off polution and waste.  Think about it.  No more trash bags, you just put one in the bottom of your trash can...presto!

Today I would use one to hide in.  To create a place where I can bury myself away and maybe crawl out of tomorrow.

Well here is a short film about a man that finds a similar one of those holes.


She's Just Not Into You...

Apparently I wrote this up a while back (July), but only today found it in my e-mail...

While at CNN’s site this morning, checking in on some news, I saw this article:

She’s Just Not That Into You – Or Is She?

First off; is this really news?

I didn’t think so either, but I went ahead and read the article, because I assume if anyone needs to read an article like this one it’s probably me.  For it is without a doubt that I have the worst skills at reading signs. 

“Signs” feel like part of a game, and I don’t care to be a playa.

Anyways the article said:

In the study, researchers tested 280 heterosexual male and female students at Indiana University in 2006 and 2007, asking them to sort 280 photos of women (all pictures were full-length shots of fully clothed subjects) into one of one of four categories -- friendly, sexually interested, sad or rejecting.

Men who viewed images of women misidentified 12 percent of the images as sexually interested, the study found, while women mistook 8.7 percent of images.

Researchers chalk it up to women's more developed ability to read others' signals, and men's tendency to oversexualize social situations or miss the message entirely.

My immediate reaction was, “oh”.

Actually I was curious about how the photo session went for the photos used in the .  The camera man telling some schlub, “show me [click] your ‘sexually interested’ [click click] look…[click] that’s [click] it [click click]…whoa now…[click] pull it back now [click]…little less [click] horny cave [click] man…perfect [click]”

I have never once in my life thought, when chatting with a lady, “time to put on your sexually interested face”. 

Star Wars Acapella Tribute

Saw this HERE and was really impressed. So of course I had to post it.


A Starbuck Parable

This video is really funny and awkward.  

I post it because at the 2:24 mark the cashier is welcoming the first time visitors and a guy yells out, "Java-lujah." 
Java-lujah may be my new favorite word.  And I anticipate saying it about a dozen times this Sunday.
I like it because there is parts of it remind me of my church.  
Like it or am embarrassed?...hmm...gotta think about that.



This Guy is a Stud

Greg Maddox collected his 18th Golden Glove yesterday. 


Good quote found on my Google homepage this morning:


“An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered.”
  - G. K. Chesterton


Semi-Political Thoughts #2: President Obama

But First A Note:  I have been hesitant to post too many thoughts on this blog about the current political process our nation is involved in.  However the campaigns do affect us in so many ways, that to not include the rambling thoughts that I have would be a failure to this blog.  I also want to make note that I have no intention of swaying your vote, which is why I waited all the way until Election Day to post these thoughts. 

  • Congratulations to President Elect Obama!  My prayer is that the Church will be praying for you not against you.  
  • Congratulations to Senator John McCain as well.  Thankfully we can assume that you will continue to an active member of Congress more interested in achieving results than sticking to party lines.  Keep on you Maverick!
  • Congratulations to Vice President Elect Joe Biden.  Your experience will be invaluable to our future president and this nation.
  • Congratulations to Gov. Sarah Palin.  You were definitely a surprise in this election and I doubt this is the last time we hear of you.  Thanks for giving Tina Fey a reason to return to SNL.
  • Politics aside, aren't you excited to see our nation elect our first black president?
  • Maybe now that the election is over maybe people can move beyond their fears and begin to believe in the possibilities and potential of our nation.

Semi-Political Thoughts #1

But First A Note:  I have been hesitant to post too many thoughts on this blog about the current political process our nation is involved in.  However the campaigns do affect us in so many ways, that to not include the rambling thoughts that I have would be a failure to this blog.  I also want to make note that I have no intention of swaying your vote, which is why I waited all the way until Election Day to post these thoughts.


-          Listening to sports radio this morning…which is of course where I get all my important life news and information…I mean honestly if you can’t trust a sports enthusiast who can you trust?  Anyways.  Listening to sports radio this morning I heard a couple of interviews where the guest went on about how inspiring Barak Obama was to them.  However, they failed to mention any policies or ideals of the candidate that they felt inspired by.  Anyone who has heard Obama speak would agree that his rhetoric is inspiritation.  But it would incorrect to just follow inspiration.  (Be careful not to read to much into this next sentence).  Nazi Germany followed a very inspirational Adolf Hitler, to which we fault them. 

I say all this to one thing.  While a leader should be inspirational, inspiration alone does not qualify one for leadership.  Do not tell me how inspirational someone is without being able to clearly and correctly state their agendas. 

-          Somewhere on the same point: Neither does being a war hero alone make a man a leader. 

-          But both, inspirational rhetoric and war hero labels, should cause one to investigate further.



Election Eve

It's the night before the election.  
And to be incredibly honest I feel very at ease with it all. 
Despite all the last minute politics, the news channels 24 coverage, the blog entries and everything else all trying to sway votes one way of the other I feel very confident.
Not necessarily confident in a better America because one man is elected over the other.  But confident in a big God, with a big plan, and big power to see it accomplished.  
This isn't to say that I don't care who gets elected, I have my opinions.  Nor is this to say that I am not interested, in fact I'm very interested (especially in the marketing of a candidate). 
It's just that at this moment tonight, I find myself able to trust in God more.
And this is where I want to find myself for quite a while.  
So why is it that I slip and slide from this place so easily? 
God, give me faith to trust.  May you be my constant source of peace.  


New Harry Trailer

Wish this was out already...

Another New Day

I'm excited about football tomorrow.  But a little disappointed that there won't be any Mike Singletary highlights since my Niners have their bye week this week.  
With Singletary on board this is a new day for this team and hopefully this man can turn it around.