

I really like this quote. I found it HERE. What do you think?
"Too many Christians today are trying to improve on the gospel. The gospel is what it is: the Cross of Christ. Christians on both the political right and the left are downplaying the effects of the Fall, and instead buying into a secular myth of progress through market economics or socialism."

-Mark Dever is pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. Taken from "Does Your Preaching Touch Politics?" in the Summer 2008 issue of Leadership journal. To see the quote IN context, you'll need to see the print version of Leadership. To subscribe, click on the cover of Leadership on this page.

God's Hand

When people pray for God's hand to be involved in their lifes I can't help but think of the guy who preforms the shell game.
I don't know why, or if it's supposed to have some significance, but there you go...

Hollywood Bound

In pure Manny being Manny form...
I wasn't expecting this. I assumed he'd end up at Florida, Cleveland or maybe the White Sox (who grabbed Junior). The Dodgers was something out of the blue.


Best Blob Launch Ever

I've witnessed a lot of flying lumbs before as the result of the giant blob. But this may be the best ever.

http://view.break.com/545919 - Watch more free videos

Half Blood Prince

This November Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince will hit the theater screens, but thankfully today you can check out the latest trailer. (Click HERE to see it in HD). Also below the trailer there is numerous photos as well.


2AM Prayer

This song below was on a couple of blog postings today, and I've been listening to it for about an hour straight now. It's 2:35 on my phone's clock, but "just one more time." This song has become my personal prayer this early morning.

What are you desperate stripes in need of healing today?

I have to believe that Jesus is our Healor, because as it's constantly proven over and over again, He's all that I to trust in, and at the end of my days He's all I need.
I have to believe that He's all you need today too.

So today...all day...I want to approach the throne of grace with confidence...with you.

So leave your reply, I'll get constant e-mailed updates to my phone, and I want to do what little I can for you today...that being prayer.

What can I pray for you today?

You're my Healer

You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease

I trust in You
I trust in You

I believe You're my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my Portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need

My Healer, You're my Healer

Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
You hold my world in Your hands

Faith and Politics

I really appreciate Rick Warren opening up a forum for the two main presidential candidates. It will certainly be a huge insight into each man and hopefully help in the decision making process for me. Here's some video of Warren being interviewed about the upcoming forum.


The Network is for real


I really haven't sat at the computer very much this week, outside of work that is.
It's no more evident that in my blog reading...
As you can see I use the Google Reader, and have about 100 subscriptions, of which I read about 25 religously word for word. The others, mainly just as the peak my interest.
I try to keep my unread items at around 50. Some of those I'll have read, but wanted to reread, or they sparked a blog post idea, or it's really long and I need to really carve out time to read and intake.
Today I just looked at it and it reads 313! I may need to spend some quality blogging time tomorrow.

The Reveal

So last Sunday after the evening service Tommy, April, Erin, the Deuce and I enjoyed some time hanging out over Chipotle yumminess. Somehow as we were sharing the idea of having Tommy, the local artist (amazing painter whose work I should post sometime), paint something with the Deuce and I.
We laughed for quite sometime before April, Tommy's wife, suggested cherubs. It was like a ray of light from heaven. The Deuce and I agreed that this would be perfect, as long as we were painted wearing hats because you will generally find us wearing ball caps.
Tommy was all in, and planned to paint Tuesday and Wednesday, in total he spent about 10 hours on the project.
Back to Sunday - the Deuce and I returned home, stood in Chris' doorway and giggled and planned what else we could do for this prank. Then we did the same Monday night.
On Tuesday night we stood in awe of the half finished work and both made a pack never to do something this amazing to the other.
On Wednesday we marveled at the finished work and again repeated our vow that we would not ever recreate this awesomeness on each other.
On Thursday, Rachel, Tupas (Amanda), the Duece and I purchased Chris a new bed set and sheets. The sheets were 100% polyester, black and in gold the word Playboy with the Playboy bunny.
On Saturday, Rachel and I hung the stuff around the ceiling, which I know what it's called but have no clue as how to spell it. Rachel also wrapped Chris' lap shade with a boa, to spice it up.
Then we waited in holy anticipation for Chris' return.
Chris returned Sunday, at around 2:15 in the morning. I think he was too tired to give the proper response. I was really hoping for some swearing that punches thrown, instead he just remained speechless for a short period of time before saying, "uh...".
Hopefully I'll post the video of the Reveal tomorrow or later this week, but for now here is a photo. Visit my facebook page for additional photos.

(fyi - that me on the left and the Deuce on the right)


Oh That's How You Do It

This is the method I would use...you know...if I was two again.

I like the kid cleaning the windows.

Big Stuff A-Comin'

Can't say quite yet...but big stuff will be here soon...be sure to keep reading...


Man Cred?

Does watching and enjoying the TBS show My Boys hurt my man cred?
And I'll be a little more honest with you. I don't just enjoy it, I really enjoy it. It cracks me up. Sure the show has these chick-moments where the main character dishes about relationships and life as a woman (I wish I could give more specifics, but I tend to tune those parts of the show out. Just joking, even those moments are well written and humorous), but definitely not enough to hurt my man cred...is it?
I'm going to just have to be secure enough in the fact that I have more than enough man creditials that this show doesn't put my man cred in jeoperdy.
Plus the show being about a cute gal who's a sports reporter (covering the Cubbies) doesn't hurt it at all.


Dr. Horribly Awesome!

Have you seen this.
NPH is awesome!
These are brilliant!

For those of you out there who would care, this is a Joss Whedon film.


So apparently this weekend Batman topped Spider-Man.
The Dark Knight is reporting $155.34 million for it's opening. This tops Spider-Man 3's record of $151.1 million
You win this time Bats..., but the Spider will return (minus Raimi and his cheesy Spidey 3 script) and will climb to the peak one more time.
Down with DC!

Under Construction

I am currently working on reconfiguring the template of the blog...
As you can see (unless you're reading from some kinda blog reader) I've add a second page element column.
I now need to figure out how to widen all the columns. I have a friend working on the solution for me, since I'm html illiterate.
Maybe sometime this week all the kinks will be worked out.

Thanks for your patience.

250 Weezers ?

For their live set on Yahoo, Weezer invited the audience of 250 to join them in singing and playing their preferred instrument (Mine would have to be something simple like that egg shaker thing).
If you didn't see it GO HERE, plus I'm posting the rendition of Pork and Beans below just for you. Yep that's right you reading this...I'ma talkin' to ya.


Piper gone Gangster

I find this hilarious. Josh Harris posted this photo on his blog.
Apparently at the New Attitude conference this young lady taught John Piper the "westside" gang sign. He was under the impression it stood for Word of God.



Apparently in India, car lanes are optional. And texting while reclining out your motorcycle is a great idea. A Youtube moment for sure.

Book Review: Love as a Way of Life

Got another book in the mail with the stipulation that I review for all you readers on this here blog. To which I say gladly. I love free books.
Upon receiving it I quickly gave the free second copy to Laura Sanders, a friend of the Deuce's who was in town for a conference. She's cool and quickly read several pages while sitting on our couch, so I asked her to guest blog her review of the book. (Also because I'm a slow reader and wasn't sure I'd finish on time...I did). She agreed. Here is her review:


Love as a Way of Life by Gary Chapman

It's amazing how the simplest concepts can revolutionize the way you look at life. As an avid fan of Gary Chapman's The Five Love Languages I couldn't help but chomp at the bit to read his new book. The principles he unfolds have the potential be life-changing in understanding oneself. I am a firm believer in the idea that the better we know and truly understand ourselves, the more we are able to care for, care about, work with, be in relationship with, and love others. Just when I think I reached a new plateau in relating to others, I'm reintroduce to Chapman's eloquent, yet elementary, ideas that remind me of my narcissism in life choices.

Because he's a great story-teller who weaves the concepts he is trying to convey through stories, it's very easy to find myself going from chapter to chapter without stopping. Once I got into the meat of the book, I found that I could have spent a week in each chapter looking for ways to unpack that trait and still had more work to do. There was so much there to digest! These "simple" concepts of kindness, patience, forgiveness, courtesy, humility, generosity, and honesty hit home for me in evaluating my own life and putting me in check on judging others. As much as I can easily point out the failings of these traits in others, I realize how truly lacking they are in their turest form in the heart of my own life.

Yet again, Gary Chapman has given new insights to understand and accept and therefore love one another to the core of who we are—relational people. One of the greatest challenges in loving people is to understand them and accept them as who you understand them to be and to love them more the better you understand them. Chapman introduces the reality of tools that should be basic principles in our character arsenal. To love well is a life-long endeavor that goes hand in hand with being loved. This will become a new favorite gift book from me to folks who desire to love and be loved.
I'm going to agree with Laura. This is a great book. Well structured. Easy to read. Memorable stories and quotes. One of the best parts of the book is the way he fleshes out the ideas into actually go-and-do practical application throughout each chapter. It's definitely a book you interact with, not just give a simple read through. In fact I'm throwing it back up on my To Read shelf, in an effort to carve out more time with it.
Honestly, this is well worth the read. Go buy a copy. I'd give you a free one, but I already distributed it.


Annoyingly Cute

Sure she's on one of those annoying TV gossip news shows (which are such a complete waste of one's day even though they suck you in and you can't help but watch...like a car wreck or a petite middle school girl eating a whole Chipotle burrito).
On a typical day the a mention of her and I begin to prepare for that annoying sound of fingernails on a chalk board (there might be some exaggeration here...)

But put her in a baseball uniform and...

I could do to see Maria without the Red Sox hat, but I suppose since she's from Massachusetts (I wikipedia'd her) I can forgive her...at least during All-Star week.

Didn't really know this about myself, but apparently I'm a sucker for the ladies who love baseball and sport baseball uniforms. (Softball gals don't always count...I think it's the visor over the actual hat).

I knew Alyssa Milano was a big Dodger fan, but come on, every guy who grew up watching Who's the Boss? has a thing for Alyssa.

This IS Middle School

If you have ever worked with, parented or passed a middle school aged person, you'll recognize that one in this young man...

Something I'll Never Do...

No matter how much my momma believes in me, I will never be able to do this...

Definitely watch it all the way through. The last stunt is incredible.

Twitter the Heck out of Today

Do you Twitter?

I've been taking a real hack at it. For a while I was on a serious haiku kick when twittering, but lately, I've just been focusing on actual consistency. Today I twittered over 40 times. Not bad.

Give it a try and follow me and I'll follow you.

  • tsharrison - MS quote of night: "i should win cause i made hitler, he was evil and no one liked him." about 4 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - "reading" the history of love while driving - was a little confused but things are starting to cleat up - "oh-h-h" - very nice about 5 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - lots of traffic on i-35, but not the worst, that's for sure about 5 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison actually out the door, in the truckini, and on the road heading towards home...yahoo! about 6 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - starting some end of the day paper - maybe i'll get out right on time today about 7 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - flying through this audit - may finish today - might have a few more in the morning about 8 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - running the time cards up to the front office about 9 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - trying to remember town outside of interlaken, switzerland where i went camping once about 9 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - some of my least words: "can you do me a favor" (just ask for help) about 9 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - subscribe to "trendcentrals" newsletter and you should to about 10 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - one more - check out "theselby.com" about 10 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - i'd check those out now, but the usaf doesn't give us access to these sites about 10 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - also need to check out "posterous" - a blog site similar to tumblr but accessible via e-mail. about 10 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - gonna have to check out "twiddeo" - the video version of twitter about 10 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - i had this lone long black hair on my left elbow - rather odd - plucked it about 10 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - haeseong (co-worker from korea) made springs rolls for us - holy crap those are awesome! - gonna have to make these myself (got the recipe) about 11 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - doing a self audit of all the folders - i know"......cra-zy! about 12 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - i seem to have a lot of awkward phone people in my life (that or i'm awkward on the phone - viable option) about 12 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - got note that small group is meeting at starbucks tomorrow...i hate coffee house...would prefer a diner or somewhere with slurpees about 12 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - sandy (co-worker) doesn't know how to make a rim shot (drum & symbol) sound...funny attampts though about 12 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - mental note: we need some plants in the apartmenrt, at least on the balcony about 12 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - not very productive this morning...need to pick things up a bit...actually check things off this morning about 12 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - simple joy - freshly sharpened pencil about 13 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - melon breeze orbit white gum - yum...+ is's proven to remove stains & whiten teeth about 13 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - first e-mail of the day...(drum roll)...is to accounting! about 14 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - finally getting around to eating my breakfast - this peach is amazing - & the pink lemonade is rockin' the house about 14 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - um... very strange... today powering up the computer & logging on took only seconds... something strange in this neighborhood about 14 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - logging onto computer - this takes forever about 14 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - listening to the dan patrick show on radio...except dan's on vacation, tony bruno is guest host about 14 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - taking deposit to bank for work... for some reason i have dreams of getting mugged on the way... that's just weird about 14 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - my boss is shocked that i'm five minutes early - but really i'm just five minutes earlier than normal - i got her trained about 14 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - arrived at work - this place has a lot of noice about 14 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - just passed a school - alice cooper in my head about 15 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - traffic not so bad this morning...yet about 15 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - "reading" the history of love by nicole krauss while driving to work about 15 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - mental note: sun does shine on my side of building...don't make morning decisions based on it in my window - still a little cloudy today about 15 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - breakfast : big-o-peach & pinl lemonade (mmm...i love pink lemonade) about 15 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - ...meaning no need for sunglasses about 15 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - going with specs...not much sun outside my bedroom window about 15 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - hmmm...first big choice of the day...contacts or specs? about 15 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - somehow in the last 10 years the mornin' shower and sink time has gone from one min to about 15 min. (on average) about 15 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - showerin' & primpim'...got to smell & look gooo-od (for the lad-ies...well + just good personal hygene (sp?)) about 15 hours ago from mobile web
  • tsharrison - up and at 'em! hit the snooze a few times and now time to get going about 16 hours ago from mobile web

Terminator Salvation

There is a bunch of trailers for the new Terminator (Salvation) movie popping up on the internet. However this is the first with images of Christian Bale as John Conner.
It's really sketchy, intentionally so, but for just an earlier feeler to gain some excitment. It's working.
Should be an exciting triology.


Head Trip

This will mess with you...(click on pic)

so tired...

i have phone calls to make, e-mails to send and blog posts to publish, but none of that will happen tonight. there is still a touch of light on the horizon but i can't my eyes open long enough to see it.
going to bed.
last night i fell asleep around 4:30 this morning. with my alarms beginning their dance with me at 6:30 it made for a tough morning and a long day.
hence the early bed time....night.

"Arrrgh...I'm fulla angry"

Saw this tonight and am I'm still laughing....

I still need to see the actual movie. Anyone interested in going to see it with me?


Crazy Spaghetti

This is a unque video:

2008 Home Run Derby - prediction

I forgot to post this earlier, but wanted to quickly make this prediction before the Home Run Derby started the second round. In an e-mail earlier I predicted that Josh Hamilton would win the Home Run Derby.
I think it will be a slug fest between him and Lance Berkman.
Texas will take on Manhattan.

Rapidly Growing

The Top 10 Fastest Growing Cities

(I believe this list is limited to cities with over 100,000 people)

1.       New Orleans, LA

2.       Victorville, CA

3.       McKinney, TX

4.       N. Las Vegas, NV

5.       Cary, NC (I used to live here)

6.       Killeen, TX

7.       Port St. Lucie, FL

8.       Gilbert, AZ

9.       Clarksville, TN

10.   Denton, TX

Just in case you having trouble counting that’s three (3) cities in Texas.


The Top 10 Cities with the greatest numerical increases

1.       Houston, TX

2.       Phoenix, AZ

3.       San Antonio, TX

4.       Fort Worth, TX

5.       New Orleans, LA

6.       New York, NY

7.       Atlanta, GA

8.       Austin, TX

9.       Charlotte, NC

10.   Raleigh, NC

4 of the top 10, 3 of the top 4 cities are in Texas.  Despite the nations opinions of Texas, they sure seem to like living here.  (And I honestly am not a die-hard Texan, just giving credit where credit is due.)


Click HERE for link where I found this info.  This is helpful stuff if you’re interested in church planting or home buying. 


The saddest aspect of all these facts, is despite San Antonio’s (and let’s throw Austin in this to as they will soon be synonymous, like Dallas/Ft.Worth) continued numerical growth they do not have a major pro baseball or football team. 





...Inept? Visit this site...


This game isn't addictive, it's just that you keep thinking that you can possibly do better with just one more try

Discussion Starter

This video below is rather interesting (both astronomically and theologically) and could be a great discussion starter for some small group activity.

Questions dealing with God's omni-presence to God's love for us, to creation vs. evolution.
Enjoy the discussions.

Why So Serious

Someone tagged one of the movie theaters here in San Antonio. (I'm thinking it was an inside job). It was hard to get a picture cause those stupide trees in the way...darn you nature! I thought it was pretty cool.
The movie comes out this Friday. Are you planning on seeing The Dark Knight?

Twitter Lately

I've been Twittering a whole lot lately. Thought you might enjoy reading some of the Twits (what do you call these? post doesn't feel exactly right? i like twits.)

I don't always post them like this, but please feel free to follow me at Twitter, my username there is "tsharrison". You can also read the current "twit" in the right hand column on this blog.

Twitter you later.


Quick Read

Steve Garvey's come out with a good little book that I would recommend to all baseball fans, as well as people who appreciate good values.

My Bat Boy Days: Lesson I Learned from the Boys of Summer
Here are a few chapter titles:
  • The Leadership of Pee Wee Reese
  • The Dignity of Gil Hodges
  • The Honesty of Carl Erskine
  • The Passion of Jackie Robinson
  • The Persistence of Duke Snider
  • The Compassion of Roy Campanella
  • The Faith of Sandy Koufax
  • The Fortitude of Mickey Mantle
  • The Perfection of Al Kaline

This will only take you a quick afternoon to read (about a week and a half for me).



All-Star Break

This year’s MLB All –Star selection process has had its share of controversies, which I believe will be there no matter how the players are chosen.
But I was driving home, I think Friday night, listening to a Astro’s game on the radio (against Pittsburgh) and they were talking about the quality of the Pirates outfield.
So I did some leg work and wow we’re they right.Except for Hits, the Pirate outfield tops both starting league’s All-Star outfields.

Pirates Outfield
Nate McLouth-----97-----17-----.529-----.280
Jason Bay-----93-----17-----.530-----.292
Xavier Nady-----91-----12-----.534-----.322
NL All-Star Outfield
Ryan Braun (MIL)-----101-----22-----.548-----.284
Kosuke Fukudome (CHC)-----88-----7-----.417-----.285
Alfonso Soriano (CHC)-----60-----15-----.547-----.283
AL All-Star Outfield
Josh Hamilton (TEX)-----109-----19-----.544-----.301
Manny Ramirez (BOS)-----88-----17-----.500-----.280
Ichiro Suzuki (SEA)-----113-----3-----.544-----.309
That really impressive.


Everything that's beautiful is cracked, that's how the light gets in.

-Leonard Cohen


Suggested Reading List

Found this link that suggested a reading list for 1st grade to 12th.
Then there are some additional suggested books.
Here's the basic list, but go visit the site and see all that is suggest?
Then come back and tell me what do you think you would add (or subtract).

Obviously the list is created by someone who cares very deeply about a well organized doctrine...but the idea of having a list like this is a good idea.

When would you introduce Harry Potter?...that's important as well.

1st Grade:
The Lightlings, R.C. Sproul
The King Without a Shadow, R.C. Sproul
The Child’s Story Bible, Catherine Vos
The Gospel for Children, John B. Leuzarder
The Big Book of Questions and Answers About Jesus, Sinclair Ferguson

2nd Grade:
Dangerous Journey, John Bunyan, Ed. Oliver Hunkin
The Child’s Story Bible, Catherine Vos
Grandpa's Box: Retelling the Biblical Story of Redemption, Starr Meade

3rd Grade:
Against the World, Henry Coray
The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History, A. Kenneth Curtis, et al.
Heroes of the Reformation: Life-Changing Lessons for the Young, Richard Newton
Training Hearts, Teaching Minds, Starr Meade

4th Grade:
Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis (box set)
Luther the Leader, Virgil Robinson
Ten Boys/Ten Girls Who Changed the World (box sets), Irene Howat
Training Hearts, Teaching Minds, Starr Meade

5th Grade:
The Young Peacemaker: Teaching Students to Respond to Conflict God's Way, Corlette Sande (Kit, grades 3-7)
Visible Saints: The History of a Puritan Idea, Edmund S. Morgan
Survey of the Bible, William Hendriksen
According to Plan: The Unfolding Revelation of God in the Bible, Graeme Goldsworthy

6th Grade:
Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe
The Hiding Place, Corrie Ten Boom
The Gospel for Real Life, Jerry Bridges

(Interim Recommended Reading: Shelf Life: How Books Have Changed the Destinies and Desires of People and Nations, George Grant; Read Any Good Books, Sinclair B. Ferguson; and Invitation to the Classics: A Guide to Books You've Always Wanted to Read, Eds. Louise Cowan & Os Guinness)

7th Grade:
The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan
Church History Plain Language, Bruce L. Shelley
Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations, Alex & Brett Harris
Chosen by God, R.C. Sproul
The Holiness of God, R.C. Sproul

(Interim Essential Purchases: Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem; Concise Theology, J.I. Packer; and How to Read Slowly: Reading for Comprehension, James W. Sire)

8th Grade:
Crown & Covenant Trilogy, Douglas Bond
Confessions, St. Augustine of Hippo (Ed. Henry Chadwick)
The Heidelberg Catechism: A Study Guide, G.I. Williamson
Knowing God, J.I. Packer

9th Grade:
The Screwtape Letters & Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis
The Peacemaker (Student Ed.), Ken Sande
Humility: The True Greatness, C.J. Mahaney
Living the Cross-Centered Life, C.J. Mahaney
Basic Christianity & Cross of Christ, John Stott

10th Grade:
The Bondage of the Will, Martin Luther
Christianity and Liberalism, J. Gresham Machen
The Sovereignty of God, Arthur W. Pink (Baker Books edition)
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, J.I. Packer
Pursuit of God, A.W. Tozer

11th Grade:
Hostage Lands, Douglas Bond
Reading Between The Lines, Gene Edward Veith Jr.
Jonathan Edwards: A New Biography, Iain H. Murray
The Great Exchange, Jerry Bridges
The Truth of the Cross, R.C. Sproul
The Atonement: Its Meaning and Significance, Leon Morris

12th Grade:
Paradise Lost, John Milton
John Owen on the Christian Life, Sinclair B. Ferguson
Studies in the Sermon on the Mount, D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The Reason for God: Belief in God in an Age of Skepticism, Timothy Keller
The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross, Leon Morris

Hey Deuce!....

...who does this remind you of?


Taking Off Masks

Shaun Groves had a great post this week about his family's relationship with some neighbors, specifically an incident involving loud expletive music.

Worth the couple minutes of reading.

Who knows, maybe you and I will be challenged to share our lives with our actual neighbors.


Got my new issue of Rolling Stone this week.
Question: Does anyone know which candidate they are backing?

In typical guy fashion, I'm failing to pick up on their subtlety.

Not sure what your political opinions are (nor my own), but got to admit, it's gotta be pretty cool having the cover photo for Rolling Stone...especially when you have nothing to do with entertainment.

(feel free to post your comments about the Rolling Stone cover - Barack Obama's photo - I don't particular care to hear about political opinions at this moment...let's save that for another post)

Site Recommendation: The Rabbit Room

I love visiting the Rabbit Room and think you will too. Stop by occasionally, or add the blog to your reader list. The Rabbit Room is a gathering place for artists (writers, musicians, thinkers, etc...) to creatively express...well their creative expressions (I know, I know...I should be included with those writers...with words like that.)
FYI - The Rabbit Room was the room in the English pub Eagle and Child where the Inkings (a group made up of C.S. Lewis, Tolkien and others) met.
One of the cool features is the Song of the Day. The Proprietor (Andrew Peterson) will often post a song and give some personal insights to the song (always cool to hear a song writer's impressions on a song...even others songs). Plus he post the song so you can even get a listen...

Here are some past Song of the Days:

and many more...
go on now...
read and listen...

A New Kinda Worship

This is from a worship Service at Mars Hill's Ballard Campus.

'Send Me' - Live at MHC | Ballard from Mars Hill Church on Vimeo.

What do you think?
Would you, could you, worship like this?
Is this the next wave in worship's musical revolution?



Josh Harris posted this on his blog... He said it challenged his thoughts towards heaven.

I'm not much of a dancer, meaning that I don't know what I'm doing when my body gets a goin', nor do I enjoy making an idiot of myself...
But this video is reminding me of two things:
1. I need to dance more
2. I need to travel more (I think I've been to 3-4 of the place's Matt's danced at)

Wicked Cover

Good article too, if your interested in the dynamics of the pitching motion. Worth the read, Tom Verducci always has great baseball insights.

Amazing Play

Have you ever seen this before?

Seems like something out of a movie. But if this was a movie, the game would probably be a playoff game or somekind of game that determined whether or not the heroes made it to the playoffs (it's never the actual championship game...why?).
If this had been a scene in a movie and the hero was the batter (Youkilis) the ball would of course fallen outside the fence for a homerun.
Or if the hero had been the fielder (Damon) he would have rolled, after hitting the ground, toward the fence and made the catch for the final out.


Did you know...

Melissa Etheridge, in high school, want to have a career in Christian music. In fact her first real gig was opening for Phil Keaggy in her hometown (Leavenworth, Kansas...been there). After the show, when she asked him what he thought, Melissa said he responded, "'I don't think there's a place for people like you in Christian music,' but he said it very nicely."
It always sucks being rejected. Even though Phil was being honest, brutally so, and was probably right... I'm glad she was able to find her success still in music (although I'm not a huge fan of hers...sorry Melissa).
You can read the article and more on Melissa's faith in the current Rolling Stone.