

I really haven't sat at the computer very much this week, outside of work that is.
It's no more evident that in my blog reading...
As you can see I use the Google Reader, and have about 100 subscriptions, of which I read about 25 religously word for word. The others, mainly just as the peak my interest.
I try to keep my unread items at around 50. Some of those I'll have read, but wanted to reread, or they sparked a blog post idea, or it's really long and I need to really carve out time to read and intake.
Today I just looked at it and it reads 313! I may need to spend some quality blogging time tomorrow.

1 comment:

Beccy said...

Of course my blog is one you read word for word daily since it is just dripping with wit and wisdom... HA HA! I still don't use a reader because I like flipping through my fav blogs and deciding which one I want to check, and it is like a surprise if there is a new post. Silly, but it works for me. Sometime in all your free time keep me posted on your job hunt. Prayers and blessings.