
I'm All Twitter-pated

So I've been using Twitter for a little while now. Some of you may not know what Twitter is, I compare it to blogging on crack. You are limited to just 140 characters and many people send updates straight from their phones, via text messaging.

For a while I was really having trouble being consistent with it. But I think I've found my groove now. Want to know my secret? Well I'll tell you anyways...hiaku!

Here are my twits...er...twitters....er...twitter post...whatever they are called from yesterday.
Ah crap!!! Just noticed that the first line above has an extra "to" in it...oh well.
My Twitter identity is the same as here, tsharrison, so find me and follow, and I promise I'll do the same. Oh and I should sit down and add a photo to my Twitter account too...maybe I'll get to that soon enough.

I noticed that for some reason I couldn't open the photo up. So for you're benefit I've copied and pasted the last several twitter post of mine. Enjoy.
tsharrison using a keyboard / strange way to update twitter / different than phone from web

tsharrison @buff23_7 figuring it out / how to reply to someone / when using twitter from web in reply to buff23_7

tsharrison finally home now / sandwich for dinner tonight / have a big headache from web

tsharrison guy teaching lesson / reminds me of J D Roth / perfect game show host from web

tsharrison doing guys study / talking about being heirs / David and Jesus from web

tsharrison middle school students / i would have hated doing this / plus it's hot as heck from web

tsharrison at wacky wednesday / a once a week vbs / middle school students from web

tsharrison (oops again - tpying and driving never a smart combo, can result in misspelled words - " current place in world" from web

tsharrison (oops - last post - first line - "current place in wolrld" from web

tsharrison current place in this wolrd / san antonio traffic / starting to pick up from web

tsharrison my first ozark crush / a secret not so secret / who missed out? me? her? from web

tsharrison a rapid heartbeat / a very blunt rejection / worst phone call ever from web

tsharrison she is still single / she should have taken a chance / i tried to take one from web

tsharrison i was just confirmed / think "trevor's got girl problems" / yes she was that one from web

tsharrison life is not easy / actions are hard to relay / when told in hiaku from web

tsharrison i have been slacking / not much twittering lately / getting on the ball from web

tsharrison movie of the night / watching jack black and mos def / in "be kind rewind" from web

tsharrison unproductive day / doing a lot of staring / i need better sleep from web

tsharrison today's summary / a broken and beaten world / need light truth and grace from web

1 comment:

Beccy said...

Have you been Twittering about being twitterpated?