
Quote: Christian Reger

Nietzche said a man can undergo torture if he knows the why of his life. But I, here at Dachau, learned something far greater. I learned the Who of my life. He was enough to sustain me then, and is enough to sustain me still.”

- Christian Reger, a Christian who stood up against the Nazi regime and was sent the concentration camp of Dachau from 1941-1945.

I visited Dachua around 1990 when my family lived in Germany. There was an evilness that hung in the air that I was even able to sense as a mindless middle schooler some fifty years after the horrific events. I remember walking around the prison, looking in the cremation furnaces, walking through the dorm rooms, standing in the showers.

If Christian Reger can find a God who still reaches down and comforts and brings life in the darkness of Dachau, surely I can find Him in my life.

1 comment:

Julie Hibbard said...

I can't see the quote, but I sure love the thought at the bottom...