
Cool Photos with Quotes

"It would make a good Halloween set, wouldn't it?" - FREDDIE GOWIN
a ranger at Lake Tawakoni State Park, Texas, where a 200-yard (183-m) stretch of nature trail has been blanketed in a web spun by millions of spiders

"This is an individual who has had a very significant role in the history of our nation and the world." - Navy Secretary DONALD WINTER
on Solomon Islander Aaron Kumana, who rescued John F. Kennedy, then a young U.S. naval officer, from Japanese capture during WII and was finally recognized by the U.S. Navy last week for his heroism 60 years ago

"I believe I have an unfair edge over most of my colleagues right now. My mind works faster than my mouth does." - Sen. TIM JOHNSON
who returned to South Dakota Tuesday for the first time since suffering a brain hemorrhage last December that impaired his speech

I have a few thoughts about each:
1. What a cool set for a Harry Potter movie.
2. How long can I wait to recieve "recognition"?
3. Patience is hard to come by. If it was forced on me would I want it?

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