
Is This Ad Relevant to You?

So I do most of my TV watching via Hulu and secret free internet sites (shhh).
I assume you've watched something on Hulu and understand how they show commercials, and that you understand that unfortunately you might see the same commercial 4 to 8 times during the viewing of one show.
Okay, now that we are all tracking together...
Recently I have seen the following Aflac commercial a stupid number of times.  And I believe it is making me dumber.  Have you seen it?
I don;t understand.  First off, I'm tired of the duck.  It's not funny or clever or interesting in any way anymore.  In fact I'm more inclined to not use the services of Aflac just because of these commercials.  
But what I really don't get is why does the guy who is running lines with the duck assume that the bad writing of the lines he is rehearsing and the poor performance of  duck going to get him fired?  It doesn't make sense.  And if he hates his job as much as he seems to imply, which he should hate by the way, he's probably an unpaid intern who is running lines WITH A DUCK!, why doesn't he just quit.  
It boggles my mind that there are people who graduate from college, get employed by big advertising agencies, paid to be clever and witty and creative all day long, and this is what they produce.  Please don't tell me that the sole reason someone might have legitimately given the green light for this is that it would get people like me talking about how stupid this commercial actual is because it also means they were talking about Aflac. 


I've Moved

So the past 18 months were quite the adventure. A series of moments and days where my understanding of faith and trust were stretched and tried and deepened.  Events that I fully embraced and accepted, but that didn't make them any easier.  I've tried to keep some of those things under wraps because I don't want my attempts to share my heart to ever come across as whining or complaining.

All that to say this, through a series of events I have landed in Ohio.  I've been here for about three weeks now and it's snowed several times already.  It's cold and I don't own a single sweater or a real winter coat.  And only 2 miles from Lake Erie people keep talking about "lake effect" weather, but so far I'm not yet intimidated.

After years of working with new churches I have landed at a church that celebrated it's 170th anniversary this year. It's a completely different setting, operating in a fashion that is traditional, yet brand new to me.  But they are giving me plenty of room to be creative and inventive within the student ministry.  Typically I've built ministries from nothing, but this will be an opportunity to renovate and tweak an established program.  A completely different experience.

So there are some things about Ohio I'm really looking forward to checking out.

- Cleveland Indians
- Cincinnati Reds
- Cedar Point Amusement Park
- A Cleveland Browns game (when the SF 49ers are in town)
- Rock and Roll Music Hall of Fame
- the house from 'A Christmas Story'
- some Skyline Chili down in the Cincy area
- this statue of Arnold Schwarznegger
- the Pro Football Hall of Fame

Okay. So I don't know much about Ohio.  Do you have any suggestions for me?