
Elvis vs. Cobain

A recent report clains that Kurt Cobain (of Nirvana fame) out-earned Elvis Presley this past year, among dead celebrities.
(read story here...Cobain bumps off Elvis as top-earning dead celeb
This is the first time in the six years of the study that Elvis has been beaten.

However according to GoogleFight.com Elvis defeats Cobain 5,820,000 to 2,830,000. (as of October 27, 2006)

The INVOLVED Generation

Here is a fancinating article about the current teenage generations passion to be involved...

Generation Y gets involved

Along with the web-site are some more links that bring to light characteristics and qualities of Generation Y.

In the article we read about students who are becoming actively involved in the causes of their world. They are active in issues of AIDS, poverty, education, the enviroment, etc.

My question is this: In light of this article what would our student's ministry look like if we became actively involved in the things that students are already concerned and involved with. What if our student's ministry created opportunities to lead our city in cleaning our enviroment? What if our student's ministry created opportunities to redeem someone from poverty? What if our student's ministry created opportunities to collect and distribute resources to single mothers, orphans and prisoners.

This is the student ministry I want to be apart of. I do not want to be a youth pastor who becomes a social planner. While I love hanging with student's at Six Flags, or the high school football game, I want to be about something more than recreation.


Pee & Poo?

This is so incredibly silly that I can't understand why I want it. Actually it's pretty gross when I think about it.
Then again I've never been sure why you would want to purchase underwear meant for others to see. Who is going around showing people the pictures of the un-mentionables?

Click on the picture for the web-site.


Here's an interesting story.

Captain Underpants and the peeved principal

While I think that the girls were being creative in their costumes, I think that they probably knew they would be pushing the envelope of what is acceptable.
I'm reminded of a student, during my ninth grade year, who came dressed as a giant condom, and then acted like he didn't understand while the school administration asked him to take it off.

If you are going to push boundaries you have an idea that others may be offended and upset. Nudity, vulgarity and bathroom humor, even if it's the hint of the idea, will always push boundaries.

If you push boundaries, do not come back with, "I don't understand why their upset." You have a clue. Just take responsibility.

I more turned off by the fact that others try to convince me that they are clueless, than the issue behind their cluelessness.


Don't Mess With Bambi!!

This is a great story...

Deer Chases Boy, Uses Him as Human Salt Lick

The video is great too.



Incredibly Entertaining?

Click on the site below and see one of the most bizarre clips ever...

Thriller goes to Bollywood


The Sad State of Our Culture

This story makes me sad. The fact that we are such a "sue" happy people, unwilling to take responsiblity for our own actions, and even less willing to forgive with ease.
There was a time when children could ride bikes with full body armor, or could play "war" in the woods, or...oh I could go on and on.

Here's the story...
School bans tag, other chase games
Something had to happen that set a precident for this school proceed with these actions.



Promoting a little "Green" Peace

If you, along with Leonardo DiCaprio, have a passion for perserving and saving our enviroment then this website may interest you. It has a lot of helpful tips on how to conserve and preserve our enviroment in your everyday life.


How Rich are You?

Click HERE to find out how rich you are when compared to everyone on earth.

If you only receive a $20 allowance once a week, you are the 2,552,385,365th richest person in the world.
That puts you in the top 42.53% of the wealthest people in the world.
So at only $20 a week you are more wealthy than half the population of the earth.

A very sobering web-site.
We truly are a blessed people.


Every Stat You'll Ever Need!

If you are a baseball nut like me then this site will definitely appeal to you. A person could literally spend hours looking up statistics and facts about the greatest game ever.

Click HERE.


Sounds like the makings of another country song!

Really though this is just another reason to not like cats.

"Dog Saves Owner, Dies Trying to Save Cat"



This news story caught my eye. Obviously it's a positive thing to see this strip club go out of business and being replaced with a ministry that is promoting our God, but this seems wierd....

Strip Club Attracts Youth Ministry

I can definitely see this youth minister getting a lot of phone calls from parents.


For Police Sketch Artist

Here is another cool site where you can practice your police sketch art. Click HERE.
Careful now one could spend hours creating with this site.

Fans Jackson Pollock Fans

Jackson Pollock was known for painting large murals with a splatter technique. He originated the painting style that people most refer to by saying, "a child could do that."

Here is one of his paintings....

Now you too can paint a Pollock by clicking HERE. Very cool site that you can get lost in.



I honestly don't know what to say in response to this article.

Huge Breast Implants Save Woman From Car Crash

I'm somewhere between shocked and amazed.

I'd rather see the 49ers

Man's Lost Gnome Attends Steelers Game

Crime may not pay, but it can still be a little funny. He's a original thief. Do you think the gnome had his own seat at the game?

If you were to steal a gnome, where would you take him?

Why you should always be nice to teachers

Of course she was a Canadian school teacher. American teachers could never save that much money.

That's 20 Jr. Frostys from Wendys!

Florida man takes 50-foot dive for $20

Have you every found yourself here?

Beam Me Up Scotty!

Teleportation is coming! No more long commutes between home and work!

Scientists teleport two different objects

I don't know how it works, but with current gas prices (although they are getting better) and the numerous car wrecks I see each week, I don't care!


Too Comfortable?

A church in Scotland was using this image to advertise their church.
I'm all for a church that promotes a "come as you are" enviroment, but this may be a little too much.
But it does have something to say to us.
Are we the type of church community and family that welcomes everyone who steps through the door, despite their personal failures and success?
Are we excited about everyone who enter our church?

Sounds like another BLOCKBUSTER movie!

Escaped Hamster Forces Plane to Land


Famous Last Words

Click here for a cool site that collects famous last words.
