
New Year's Goals: Help Wanted

I'm been reflecting on the goals I had set for myself this year and am trying to decide what goals I should set for myself for the year 2009. I've done okay with last year's resolutions.

#1 Dr. Pepper Fast. I haven't had a Dr. Pepper since Dec. 31st of
last year. And since the beginning of September I haven't had any
caffeine, but that is for another reason.

#2 Memorize Colossians. I memorize the first chapter early in the
year, but honestly I haven't done well since then. Think I could finish
this in one month?

#3 Read 40 books. This is a goal I should finish and possibly
surpass. If I were to redo this goal for next year I don't think I would
add or subtract to this. 40 seemed like a good goal. Need to be able
to accomplish this one more time before pushing that number higher.

#4 Map out TV show idea and make two contacts in order to sell
it. I haven't completely mapped it out. In my mind it makes sense
and I can picture it. Also I am toying around with another idea for a
story. But as far as contacts I did meet someone who knows someone who
knows someone. But that was about it. This has potential for getting

#5 See a doctor and get my asthma under control. I have an
appointment today. We'll see how it goes. I visited a clinic about a
week ago and I have been feeling really good lately. I have gone several
days without even using my emergency inhaler.

#6 Organize and minimize my closet. Done. But I feel that
this is something that should be done once if not every year.

Now, there is only one month left in this year. And I need to start making decisions on next year's goals. The Dr. Pepper goal wouldn't have been a success (so far) had I not given myself sometime to mentally prepare for it.

So, here is where I need some help. I'm am not the best self-evaluator, so I would like your help in setting some personal goals for next year. What is something tangible that I could do within the next calendar year?

Recently some girls saw me playing with a couple of children and suggested that I should get married and kids of my own. (By the way ladies, you look silly when you goosh all over that kinda stuff...mainly because it can be so manipulated...just saying) While that might be a good life goal, it has some difficult end of the year measurable objectives. So when submitting your suggestions please don't include that, unless you have an actual way of making that happen.

Rather choice a goal that I can set, evaluate and achieve all on my own accord.

Thanks for your