
Somewhere beyond the sky

I first learned of Larry Norman and his music when my mom brought home a copy A Thief in the Night.  Scared the hell out of me!  Even today when I walk into a home or room where I expect people and find no one, I begin to sweat. 

Later on I learned more of Larry’s music and his influence in the Christian music world thru a compilation CD.

Now I know that some will curse Larry Norman for his influence of Christian music, but I don’t think we can credit LN for Christian’s failing to achieve a greater success and creativity.  But I don’t want to get on a soap box.

Rather I read this final letter of Larry today and thought it was pretty amazing.  Someday, if Christ continues to tarry on, when I die I hope to have this kind of assurance and conviction. 



I feel like a prize in a box of cracker jacks with God’s hand reaching down to pick me up. I have been under medical care for months. My wounds are getting bigger. I have trouble breathing. I am ready to fly home.

My brother Charles is right, I won’t be here much longer. I can’t do anything about it. My heart is too weak. I want to say goodbye to everyone. In the past you have generously supported me with prayer and finance and we will probably still need financial help.

My plan is to be buried in a simple pine box with some flowers inside. But still it will be costly because of funeral arrangement, transportation to the gravesite, entombment, coordination, legal papers etc. However money is not really what I need, I want to say I love you.

I’d like to push back the darkness with my bravest effort. There will be a funeral posted here on the website, in case some of you want to attend. We are not sure of the date when I will die. Goodbye, farewell, we will meet again.


Goodbye, farewell, we’ll meet again
Somewhere beyond the sky.
I pray that you will stay with God
Goodbye, my friends, goodbye.




Stick It In The Fridge

I’ve bought into the Vitamin Water craze.  Not necessarily because I think there is something special in the concoction that will enhance my intellect or health.  Mainly because I’m still keeping up with my Dr. Pepper fast and some days I just don’t want any tea. 

So now I’m occasionally spending too much money on what I can get for free in my faucet.  I know a lot of people fall for the “tap water is bad” theory, but I don’t.  I figure I’ve been drinking it all my life and I’m doing fine. 

But back to the Vitamin Water.  I was reading the label a few days back and found it quite humorous.  Check it out.

“for best results, stick it in the fridge.”


Not refrigerate….nope just “stick in the fridge.”


Just so you know…I stuck it in the fridge.